Wangi-wangi (Wakatobi Island) - The name Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main islands that form the archipelago: Wangiwangi Island, Kaledupa, Tomea, and Binongko. The group is part of a larger group called the Tukangbesi Islands. The archipelago, located in the biodiverse hotspot known as Wallacea, was made famous by its namesake dive operation and community development project, the Wakatobi Dive Resort. An award-winning resort and environment protection company, this progressive operation has single-handedly brought this area to the top of the diving congnoscenti's wishlists worldwide.
This place has many unique things.A beautiful view from the wakatobi sea with huge international class dive spots, has made wakatobi are famous as one of the best dive spot in the world. Even though it is far away from the busy life dan from many modern facilities, the diver can still feel comfortable and satisfied during their activities in dive resort which located surround the sea.
Besides the sea, wakatobi land is also interesting to visit. We can fill up our day by visiting a lakein Kaledupa Island, the best fertile in the area. Uniquely, the water in the lake is from the sea, and also become a house for a group of small shrimps. Also spare your time to Benteng Patua, which is located in Tomia Island or visit the kahiyangan Pinnacle to sea the Ocean ornamented by a group of small island. The existance of gypsy community alias Orang Bajo is also complete the wealth of Wakatobi that should be preserved.
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Besides the sea, wakatobi land is also interesting to visit. We can fill up our day by visiting a lakein Kaledupa Island, the best fertile in the area. Uniquely, the water in the lake is from the sea, and also become a house for a group of small shrimps. Also spare your time to Benteng Patua, which is located in Tomia Island or visit the kahiyangan Pinnacle to sea the Ocean ornamented by a group of small island. The existance of gypsy community alias Orang Bajo is also complete the wealth of Wakatobi that should be preserved.
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